October 2nd, 2059
0200 hours
Rose flew Aria and I over Redmond. The fog was thick over the metroplex that night. Rose had taken her pegasus form and the three of us were flying high above the mist choked streets. It was a damp, chilly night. Light pollution made parts of the 'plex glow in the mists.
I ran Aria a bath, rubbed down her sore muscles and released a bit of healing magic to banish her aches. "Yep, I'm used to this now. You're stuck doing this full time, Tommy." She smiled, her eyes closed. "I bet this will do wonders after a workout."
I paused a moment, the thought fermenting in my mind. "I bet you're right. Wow, yeah I bet you're spot on." I am not a doctor, nor have I ever been a fitness expert, but the idea made sense to me. "I bet it would really help to speed up muscle development and help keep you from suffering training injuries."
"Baby, don't overthink it." Aria sighed. "I want to do something. Something different. I'm tired of waiting tables for mom."
I had learned that sometimes it's best to listen before you speak. This seemed precisely like one of those moments. I grabbed the shampoo and started on her hair.
"I just don't know what I want to do. How crazy is that? Grown woman and I don't know what I want to do with my life." She relaxed a bit as my fingers worked along her scalp. "Well, I think I want to sit in this tub and get my hair washed every night. But beyond that, I just don't know baby."
"You could start your own biz. Do something you enjoy and work to get paid at it," I suggested. "Maybe start a live stream of your gaming? You're a fantastic player."
"Tommy, no. I don't want mom on my case about having my face on the 'trix." She murmured. "That feels good baby. Anyway, no, I think I want to do something low key. Maybe I could learn to garden or paint. I don't know. I just think I don't want to work for mom anymore." She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I want to do something with my life and I want to contribute to our life here."
"Aria, I can take care of the bills baby. Whatever you want to do in life you've got me." I said. "I imagine a lot of people have a hard time finding what they want to do. There is so much in the world to see and do, it's no wonder you're not sure. For me it was easy to decide. Didn't have much choice really, as I was born to magic."
"You could always become an accountant." Aria chided.
"Ha! No, thank you. I like being a wizard. It's always interesting, often terrifying, and on occasion it's pretty cool." I laughed. "Plus, I get to lay healing magic on my girl's achy muscles."
"I love you, Tommy." Aria sighed.
"I love you too, Aria." I said it and Aria's eyes opened wide.
"That's the first time you've said that." Aria sat upright, her slim figure draped in bubbles. "You LOVE me? You aren't just saying it?"
I took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. "Aria, I love you. Now, let's rinse your hair and go to bed."
I woke up in the back yard. My house was engulfed in flames. I tried to scream but couldn't get words to come out. Rose lay broken in bloody snow a meter from me. I could hear Aria screaming from inside the house.
I tried to spring to my feet by my body didn't respond well. I felt slow, weak, and powerless. I staggered to my feet and saw skeletal hands reaching out from the soil and holding my ankles fast. A sinister laugh rose from behind me and I turned to see a dozen dark figures, ghouls and vampires, stalking closer. At their lead was a corpse driven by a dark spirit. Mana energy waned as it advanced and I felt myself robbed of my magic.
"I will eat your soul," it promised.
"Wake up!" Rose's thought voice rang in my mind. I woke suddenly, bolting upright in the bed. "Dark spirits are not here. You are not under attack. We are safe."
I rose from the bed and grabbed the bathrobe Aria had given me. It was thick and comfortable, and provided for a measure of modesty. I slipped from the bedroom, down the hall and into the kitchen.
"I will make the coffee. You do not do it correctly." Rose's thought voice carried a hint of worry.
"Thank you, Rose." I said. "I had a bad dream."
"I saw. You should not torment yourself so. Peaceful sleep is better for you, I think." Rose had the coffee started in short order. The sun was rising, and I was very tired.
"Yes, well I didn't realize I was dreaming. Then the fright took hold and I was stuck." I turned on the trid and thumbed through my favorites. "Thank you for waking me. I'm glad I didn't have to see that dream's conclusion."
"You are welcome," Aria responded. "You should have better dreams. The flying one, or perhaps one of the sexing dreams. Can you not choose which you will have?"
"I don't know how to do that. I've heard of some people being able to control what they dream about though." I took the steaming cup of coffee she offered. It had real sugar and cream in it, just as I like it. "Thank you for the coffee Rose. You make a far better cup than I do."
"You are welcome." Rose shimmered from her young girl form, assuming the form of a beautiful rottweiler. "The coffee you create is unpleasant. I'm not certain how you accomplish that." She jumped onto the couch and put her head in my lap. I scratched behind her ears reflexively. "Aria worries when you dream and walk the house. I have concerns as well. Sometimes your power flares as if you are readying a spell casting. You should control these dreams before you cause harm."
I hadn't realized that I was summoning mana in my sleep. It made a kind of sense to me though. Magic was my primary means of defense, though I favored a gun for dealing with most physical threats. "Rose, I want you to wake me up if you find that I'm channeling magic while asleep. There are too many things that could go horribly wrong from that happening." I took a sip of my hot coffee, savoring it. "If I cast a powerball in the house out of fear in my sleep I could kill Aria and I both by accident."
Rose rolled onto her back for a belly rub. "I will wake you as I did this night." I rubbed my ally spirit's belly for a few minutes. She seemed to genuinely enjoy the sensation. I found an old favorite flat-vid anime on the trid and cued it up. The theme song started, and Rose rolled off the couch. "I will lay on the bed. Aria will wake up too early if she is left alone. I will not let dark spirits harm our home."
Rose trotted silently down the hall and disappeared into the bedroom. I turned back to the trid and finished my coffee through the first episode. The young witch who joined the secret police force which captured wayward magicians. The anime predated the awakening, but it brought up some interesting ideas about what magic could be like. At some point during the second episode, I fell asleep.
October 3rd, 2059
I woke up to Aria kissing me on the forehead. "Rise and shine, baby."
"Good morning honey." I yawned.
"Afternoon, actually" Aria replied. "Get up, let's have some lunch and get you into the shower. I'm going to talk to mom tonight. I'm resigning from the Brick Yard, that is, if you're certain we can afford it."
"Yeah, we've got money enough to last us for a good while." I responded. "Give me a few years of small jobs and we'll be able to retire early."
Aria made lunch with a little help from Rose. Rose asked about a lot of little things Aria was doing and the two were cute together, Rose in her young girl form and Aria in an old t-shirt of mine. The three of us ate amid small talk punctuated by the occasional laugh.
"Rose and I will get the dishes, you get in the shower." Aria scooped up my plate and coffee mug. "Go on. Shoo!"
I rose and trod off to the bathroom, grabbing a fluffy towel from the closet on the way. I turned on the water and stepped into the steamy goodness. The water felt refreshing as it ran down over me. I was washing my hair out when Aria gave me a good scare.
With the water running over my head I hadn't heard her step into the shower. Her hands on my back startled me and I spun, shampoo suddenly running into my eyes. "Easy baby," she laughed. "It's me." She giggled at me and wiped at the shampoo. My vision cleared, and the first thing I saw was a joy-filled smile on Aria's face. We were in the shower until the hot water was gone. Rose left us to our own devices.
That night, Aria told her mother she was leaving her job at the Brick Yard. She told her she would work through December to give her the opportunity to find a replacement. Honestly, Aria was a terrible waitress, but she could be trusted and that was an asset that was hard to find. Sheila took the news well and may even have been somewhat relieved.
October 7th, 2059
1000 hours
Rose stayed home at my request. I felt better knowing she was there in case Aria needed her. I summoned the car service and road down town. I was at a jewelry shop when my pocket secretary buzzed at me. Sheila X wanted to meet with me that night after I brought Aria to work. I had healed from the mana burns I earned fighting the dark spirit possessing Swiftwater's corpse, so I agreed to meet.
I found what I was looking for in the second jewelry store I visited. It was gold and fitted with a natural diamond that had been found in Arkansas. The ring had been made by hand and was suitable for enchantment, should that ever need to be done. The clerk wished me luck as she handed me the ring box. I thanked her, put the ring box in the inner pocket of my lined coat, and walked down the street to an alchemist and enchanter shop I knew of.
Mike Edmond is a legitimate alchemist, enchanter, and wizard. He's been practicing magic professionally since the early forties and his shop catered to magicians, foregoing the frivolous things most lore shops sold to mundane people. Prices were high because the merchandise he sells carries real power. He works in his laboratory and comes up to deal with customers as he needs. Sometimes his shop is closed for weeks on end when he is undertaking a particularly sensitive enchantment, but he places a notice on his node on the 'trix and people respect his honesty. I walked into his shop and wasn't at all surprised to see that I was the only person there. A chime sounded, and I walked to a locked cabinet and gazed over a selection of weapon foci while I waited for Mike.
I was only waiting a few minutes when Mike came out from the back. "Tommy?" Mike asked. "Didn't expect you today."
"Mike, good to see you" I extended my hand and Mike shook it.
"Finally going to buy one of those weapon foci you've been drooling over?" he asked.
"Sorry Mike. But I do have biz today." I hooked my finger at the display. "I want one, but I think I want to make my own."
Mike's eyebrows went up, "That's a LOT of work. You sure you want to get into it?"
I was nodding even before he finished his question. "I need some things. I need a reference library, hard copy if I can get it. I need some equipment for my laboratory, and I need to arrange some instruction. Are you up for providing some training?"
He nodded, "Yeah Tommy I can teach some of the basics. I can probably spare some time over the next couple of months if you don't mind the price. You'll have to join the United Talismonger's Association though. I won't train you otherwise." Mike walked around behind his counter and started tapping out a supply list on his data pad. "Reference library and instructional material are going to cost you. May as well get a decent library right off if you're going for hard copy. I charge one thousand a week for teaching. You get five hours of personal instruction each week at that rate, plus I provide you with a study plan to help you digest the material." He turned the pad toward me to show me the costs total. I was expecting it to be very pricey and Mike certainly met my expectations.
"Paid in advance, I'm afraid." Mike added.
"You have a deal, Mike." I pulled an ebony credstick from a concealed pocket on the breast of my form fitting body armor. "I'll pay that now if that's okay with you?"
Mike nodded, clearly a bit surprised. I slotted the credstick and moments later I was one hundred forty-five thousand nuyen lighter. Mike and I scheduled the training days right after the funds cleared. I summoned the car and we loaded the vehicle with books and several boxes of exotic thaumaturgic laboratory equipment.
I arrived home shortly before 1300 hours. Rose and I unloaded the vehicle and took our time carrying the equipment down to the lab. We were organizing the books when we heard Aria's footsteps above us.
"Shall I make the coffee?" Rose asked.
"Probably a good idea," I told her. "I'll be up shortly. I want to unpack the athanor. We'll set up the venting for it tomorrow morning." Rose vanished from sight, fading into the astral plane. A moment later I heard a startled yelp from Aria.
I took the ring box and locked it in the steel safe I used for rare reagents.
Rose and I dropped Aria off at that night like usual. My meeting with Sheila X wasn't what I expected. Sheila wanted me to take a look at an item she had 'found' that she thought may be magical. I looked over it's astral signature, determined that it was a focus of some kind, but couldn't be sure what it did.
"I think you need to have an enchanter look at this." I told her. "I'm no expert on foci and I don't recognize what this thing is." Being honest with your fixer isn't always the best policy but when your fixer is Sheila X, you're dating her daughter, AND you're planning on asking said daughter to marry you... its best to shoot straight.
Sheila frowned at that and said, "Okay. I'll see if Shade can tell me anything. If you want to pick up some good nuyen without all the danger, learn about magical items. It's hard to find someone who can identify stuff without trying to rip you off."
"I just may do that," I said.
I spent the rest of October studying the mysteries of alchemy, talismongering, and enchantment. The disciplines of enchantment are demanding, but Mike was a great instructor. The reading list was pretty hefty but incredibly useful. I attacked my studies, took copious notes, pestered Mike with questions, and generally was a much better student than I had been as a teenager.
For Halloween I relented to Aria's insistence that we take Rose trick-or-treating. Aria bought her a princess costume which Rose wore with a quiet dignity. We walked the block earning a small bag of treats which Rose devoured when we returned home. We had a great time watching the other neighborhood kids run about in their costumes. "Next year I will hand out candy," Rose declared. "That way we can get the treats I like, and the children will come to me. That way I can see them all easily."
It was a magical night for all us, and tremendous fun.
Monday, November 24th, 2059
Rose and I picked up Aria from the Brick Yard early that night. She had been sick to her stomach and called me to come get her. It was cold that night and flying in the chill night air seemed to ease her discomfort. I put her in a warm bath only to help her to the toilet as she started vomiting again. Rose brought ice water and crackers as I asked, but nothing stayed down very long. Aria fell asleep around 0300 and I resolved to take her to see a doctor if she didn't feel better in the morning.
Tuesday, November 25th, 2059
I woke up at 0700 to Aria shaking me gently. "I'm hungry baby, can we go out for breakfast somewhere?" I agreed, grateful that she seemed to feel better. I cleaned up, pulled on a clean set of form fitting body armor, jumped into jeans and a sweater. Aria summoned the car service and we road down to a pancake house she knew.
We were on our way back home when Aria became sick again. We had the car pull over as she emptied her stomach of a stack of pancakes, a trio of sausage links, and two glasses of orange juice. My own stomach rolled in protest, but I kept my breakfast down. "That's it," I said. "we're taking you to see a doctor."
"Can't you just wave your hand or something?" Aria asked.
"Sorry honey, but no. That's not something I know how to do." I was genuinely sorry for her as she was plainly miserable.
Aria protested for the better part of an hour as we drove to a DocWagon(tm) clinic in Lynnwood. We had a short wait but were seen by a nurse and introduced to the doctor on staff. I had set up Aria and I both with DocWagon(tm) Gold contracts two months prior (it was the first time in my life I actually had health insurance) and the staff seemed happy to assist us.
The doctor came in and asked Aria several questions while the nurse took scans of her temperature and other biometrics. They took blood and urine samples and I tried not to flinch at the thought of ritual links and nefarious corporate plots. (I'm not paranoid, honest.) It was a long ten-minute wait before the doctor came back in.
"Okay, Aria. Do you have a regular gynecologist?" The doctor asked.
"Dr. Simms, I missed my annual checkup this year though." Aria said. She was pale, and I thought she might start heaving again.
"Okay, well you're going to want to schedule an appointment soon. I take it you don't have any children, is that right?"
"No, no children. Doctor is something wrong with me?" Aria asked. "I feel like drek. I've been queasy the last couple of days but last night it really hit me."
"Well, I can't say if anything is wrong but I can tell you that you are pregnant." the doctor smiled despite herself.
I was stunned. Aria turned to me and her eyes welled up. I hugged her and told her I loved her. Then she vomited down my shirt.
Thursday, November 27th, 2059
In the UCAS and CAS they celebrate Thanksgiving Day. When you live in Seattle, surrounded by NAN territories, Thanksgiving doesn't generate the same enthusiasm it does on the east coast. Still we had arranged to have a family dinner at our house. Sheila X, Aria's very protective mother, was coming and informed us that Little Rickie would be with her as they had some business to see to after the meal. Aria was a nervous wreck.
Rose and I worked very hard to follow directions we lifted from the 'trix on preparing a traditional east coast style Thanksgiving Dinner. The problem we encountered is that there seem to be hundreds of different 'traditional' meals. I decided to err on the side of caution and picked up a ham and a turkey as well as several pre-made meal components. The auto chef took our directions well, and by some divine miracle I managed to not burn the house down.
We ate in our small dining room. Rose had found a prayer that was said to be in common use and offered to say it for us. I agreed, and everyone took hands. Rose bent her head and pronounced. "Rub a dub-dub, thanks for the grub, Amen."
Little Rickie started laughing, a deep rich baritone that filled the house and brought a smile to my face. Aria giggled and even Sheila X smiled. Rose's thought voice entered my mind, "Did I do it incorrectly?"
"Not at all baby-girl. Not at all." I replied. Out loud I said, "That was wonderful Rose. Thank you."
Aria excused herself shortly after we started eating. Sheila watched her daughter walk down the hall toward our master bedroom. "Is she still having stomach problems?"
"Yes, when she gets back we'll tell you more about that. I took her to the doctor." Sheila X fixed me with look that screamed, 'you're withholding information from me'. I smiled back and dug into my potatoes. "These are really good, Rose. You did a great job."
"I followed the instructions from the video. It was not hard." Rose responded. "I still prefer the foods made by Solomon, but this is pleasant."
Aria walked back, took her seat, and squeezed my hand.
"Tommy says you're still not feeling well." Sheila stated. "Are you going to be okay?"
Aria looked at her mother, a smile creeping up on her face as her eyes started to water. "Yeah, mom, I'm going to be fine. I talked to the doctor." Aria took a deep breath and looked at me.
"Sheila, Aria is pregnant. We're going to have a baby." I said.
Sheila X stared at me a moment. I felt a cold chill go down my spine.
"Pay up." Rickie laughed. Sheila X nodded, pulled out her pocket secretary and tapped away at it for moment. I heard a 'ping' noise from Little Rickie's pocket almost immediately. The large man smiled down at us. "Congrats, you two."
"How far along?" Sheila asked.
"I don't know yet." Aria replied. "Can't be too long, maybe two months, but I'm seeing Dr. Simms next week. I'll let you know what happens or you can come with us if you like." Aria had a pleading look in her face. I knew she had a lot of fears about having a baby. We hadn't planned it. In fact, we had taken precautions against pregnancy, but nature was determined.
Sheila X has cyber eyes that look very real. Even so, she always looked rather emotionless to me as her eyes aren't telling. At that moment though, her face relaxed its usual guarded nature and she smiled. "Of course, I'll come along baby. I can't believe I'm going to be a grandmother." She turned to face Little Rickie, "Not ONE WORD.
Little Rickie's smile was huge, but he didn't say anything.
We ate and talked for hours. Little Rickie and Rose seemed determined to eat everything that had been prepared. I don't know where food goes once Rose eats it, but I can tell you I've never known her to be 'full'. When Little Rickie finally pronounced that he was done, Rose took that as a social cue to be finished as well. She and I took up the plates and cleared the table, leaving Aria to talk with her mother and Little Rickie to commit an atrocity against my plumbing when he used the guest bathroom. We spent a couple of hours watching the 'trid, talking about baby related things, and just being people.
Thursday, December 4th, 2059
Dr. Simms pronounced that Aria was a bit more than two months pregnant and gave us quite the shock when she informed us that we were having twins. I think I went into shock for a moment because the next thing I knew Aria was pinching my cheeks.
"Tommy!" she said.
"I'm sorry, honey." I responded. "What did you say?"
"Twins Tommy! We're having twins!" she declared.
"I heard that." I responded. "Twins. So, two babies?"
Doctor Simms laughed at that. "Yes, that's what 'twins' mean." She shook her head at me. "I recommend increasing your dietary intake, particularly for foods rich in iron. I'll have a dietary sheet worked up for you before you leave. I know it's a burden, but I always recommend that pregnant women eat wholly organic foods, free of any pesticides, additives, or other nonsense. You can have chocolate so long as it's natural and you eat it in moderation."
"Doctor Simms, what can you tell us to expect with two babies?" I asked.
"Expect that you won't get much sleep. Hire help if you can afford to. Try not to confuse their names, and for the love of all that is holy don't give them similar names. People hate that." The good doctor smiled brightly, and I felt as if I was stepping out onto the moon, far away from anything I had ever known.
For a moment, I had forgotten that Sheila X was there with us. "When can we tell the babies' genders?" She asked.
"We'll do an ultasound scan on the next visit. Two weeks from now. We could do it today but the machine is being serviced." Dr. Simms smiled at us. "Aria you call me if you need anything dear or if you have any questions. Congratulations!"
Babies. We were having two babies.
I spent the first two weeks of December turning the reading room into a nursery. Two cribs, a large changing station, and an air purifier. I spent three days reinforcing the wards on the house with Rose's assistance. If I hadn't been the one to create them I doubted I would have been able to breach them.
Aria cleaned everything in the house, every day. I locked her out of my laboratory to keep her from handling toxic substances, but had to reassure her that everything was safely stored and that there was no way the babies would be able to get in.
We didn't know the babies' genders yet, so we held off on buying clothes and focused on things we could get done. I spoke to an attorney Sheila X recommended and set up my last will and testament. I arranged for insurance to pick up on the children once they were born and put a reservation deposit for "as yet unnamed children (2)" for them at the private school run by the church.
December 14th, 2059
I took Aria to the Eye of the Needle and asked her to marry me. She teared up, said "NO!" and stormed off to the ladies' room. I sent Rose in to check on her. When Aria came out she sat down and accused me of only asking her because she was pregnant. She was blotchy and kept dabbing at her eyes.
"No, Tommy. No. You could have asked me at any time before I was pregnant. You didn't. I'm not marrying you just because of the babies." She was teary-eyed but convicted. "Now I'm going to be fat and miserable for months then squeeze out two little babies into this drek-hole of a world. "
I showed her the ring again. "I bought this before we found out. I was going to enchant it for you, but I didn't know how." I pulled out my pocket secretary and set it on the table. "I can show you the receipt if you don't believe me."
She straightened at that, "You really bought it before we knew?" she asked.
"I swear I did." I replied. "Like I said, I can prove it if you don't believe me."
"You want to marry me?" Aria sobbed a bit. "You REALLY want me to marry you?"
"I do, honey. I really, REALLY, want you to marry me." I replied. "So, will you please marry me?"
"I will. I will marry you my vanima asinus. I will." I slipped the ring on her finger and silently thanked God that it fit. Dinner was very good and we took time to just enjoy the evening.
We made it home before 2200 hours. I know this because at 2200 hours I was holding Aria's hair as she vomited her dinner. I put Aria to bed at 2330 and resolved to investigate whether there really was a spell to alleviate nausea. I found a spell that was said to alleviate nausea associated with pregnancy, but it carried a disclaimer which warned that it exacerbated mood swings. No thank you.
December 19th, 2059
Aria and I were out and about the 'plex shopping for baby items and Christmas presents. We started at the Renraku Arcology. If you've never done it before, let me tell you this: shopping with your pregnant fiance can be quite the adventure.
"Tommy, I've got to pee again." Aria sighed. We had been in the arcology for about an hour and it was her second trip to the restroom. "I'll be right back."
Twenty minutes later she came out of the restroom. Her face was splotchy. "The babies hate me." she said. I didn't have the opportunity to respond as Aria started walking away. I picked up the two bags we had and followed her into women's clothing store. She bought a package of panties then stormed out. I followed as she led me back to the bench I across from the women's restroom.
"I'll be back." she said.
Ten minutes later Aria came back out. "Okay, this sucks. Let's go home. I'll just order gifts and pay the delivery charge." I couldn't tell if she was sad, dejected, or just irritated. "Come on, honey, I want to go home." She turned on her heel and started toward the bank of elevators. We took the elevator down to street level A4. I hit the car app as we left the lift. I followed Aria as she strode with purpose toward the doors.
We were about ten meters away from the elevators, and a couple of blocks from the arcology exit, when my skin started to crawl. I saw several security officers moving to the exits. I pulled Aria close to me and whispered, "Honey, something's up. If they come for me just run for the exit, get in the car and call your mom. I love you." I strode ahead of Aria toward the security station, calling out in the astral to Rose. Rose appeared in astral space next to me a tic later.
"Rose, something is wrong. I want you to manifest near Aria and make certain she gets out of here unharmed. If anyone tries to stop you, or if anyone tries to harm Aria, kill them." I was only ten meters from the security station when I saw three of the officers grab a fourth officer, and forcibly apply a dermal patch to him. The officer slumped to the ground a heartbeat later. That ranked pretty high up in my list of things I didn't expect to see on my shopping trip. I changed course and passed within five meters of the security station.
The three officers picked up their fallen comrade and carried him to a security cart. They removed his sidearm, handcuffed him, and belted him upright in the seat. One of the officers sat at the driver control, and the two cruised off at a sedate pace. It was a very well done arrest/kidnapping.
I kept moving, heading toward the food court and keeping my eyes on the Tai stand at the corner. I was moving at a sedate pace and heard heavy boots hitting the floor behind me. "Sir, a moment please," a voice behind me said.
I turned and saw two security officers marching toward me. "Yes, officers? Is there something I can do for you?" I was outwardly calm, smiling, and non-threatening. Between the two officers I could see Rose and Aria heading for the exit. There was a line forming at the exit as security seemed to be checking for something.
"Sir, would you come with us please?" The officer on the left asked.
I took a breath and did a quick head count. "Rose, stun the security at the checkpoint and get Aria out. Use invisibility and get her home. Let me know once you're both safely there." To the officers I said. "I'm a UCAS citizen here on a business. Can you state probable cause for your request?"
I was expecting a quick beat down but the officers surprised me. "We believe you may have witnessed a crime and we would like to ask you some questions." They stopped just short of a meter from me.
I took a step back and said, "Too close guys. Ask your questions here and I'll tell you what you want to know. But other than that..." I was interrupted as people started screaming at the exit. I saw two security officers drag a man to the ground. People surged forward as half a dozen security guards suddenly hit the ground. There was no sign of Aria or Rose.
I caught sight of sudden movement from the two officers and my spell enhanced reflexes were just barely fast enough to let me duck away as they both swung stun batons at me. Screaming erupted all around and a claxon sounded. The security goons took another swing at me and advanced as I ducked and dodged. They were fast, very fast.
Normal security forces don't usually rate high end reaction enhancements. Whatever was in these guys was solid tech that all but the most wired street samurai would have to envy. They were almost as fast as I was and were clearly more skilled at close in fighting. I had left my gun at home, but I am a wizard so I'm never truly unarmed. I sent out a desperate call into the astral plane and felt my spirits respond.
I always keep a water elemental bound to service whenever possible. They are simply too useful not to have around. The spirit responded to my call, manifesting as a large orb of crystal clear water. It rolled over the security officer on my left, engulfing him and sweeping him off his feet. The second security guard threw his stun baton at me, barely missing me, and drew his sidearm.
I saw the security officer's gun clear his holster and everything seemed to slow down. I felt the stir in the air as my earth elemental manifested. The elemental rolled over the security officer, trapping him within his body of rock, soil and sand. The sec-guard's pistol discharged, the round hit me just above my left pectoral muscle and right below by collarbone. The impact spun me to the floor and hurt like hell.
Rose's voice rang in my mind, "Large doors have closed. Aria cannot get out."
"Knock the doors down, burn through them, I don't care how you do it Rose. Get Aria out of here, now!" my left arm was numb from the impact. I was pushing myself up with my right hand and was surprised to see that I wasn't bleeding. Instead, a glowing greenish goop not unlike the chemical in a glow stick, was sticking to me.
"I will do violence." Rose's thought voice was tinged with what felt like anger. Whatever was going on over there she wasn't liking it.
"Go get 'em baby-girl" I muttered. I gained my feet and saw the security gate closing at the entrance. I heard a loud screech like metal being torn and saw people start running away from the exit. Chaos was erupting all around and so far, no one seemed to have notice the two elementals choking out the security officers. I saw a foot belonging to the officer being engulfed by the earth elemental jutting out, grabbed it and sent my little sleep spell winding into him. It was hard, the local mana field was weak and hard to work with, and I felt him fighting against the spell. I put the full force of my magic into a second spell and felt his resistance snap as the spell claimed him.
The elemental expelled the guard's body to lay on the floor.
"I must destroy the wards here. They are making it difficult do damage the barrier." Rose protested.
"Do what you have to Rose. I'm sending help your way." To the earth elemental I said, "Go to Rose and follow her instructions precisely. Serve her to see to Aria's escape. With this I release you." The earth elemental vanished, leaving only the faint sent of damp soil behind.
I looked around and saw that panic was spreading along the upper levels of the rotunda. Shops were shuttering, and people were trapped behind the security gates. Security forces were moving into the area and I saw two sleek roto-drones fly by. "Well, that can't be good." I muttered. I pulled my out my pocket secretary and got a 'no service' error. "Damnit."
"Sir, lay down on the floor and place your hands behind your head!" I heard the shout from the security check point. I saw four more sec-guards coming, this time with riot guns at the ready and two of those sleek roto-drones floating overhead. I sent another mental call out to the astral plane.
"You must think I'm dangerous." I called back. My air elemental appeared above the drones. It took the shape of a dark cloud rippling with lighting. I saw the sec-guards bring their riot guns up. "You'd be right!"
I poured the full force of my magic, and more than a little rage, into the powerball that detonated among the sec guards. Weapons, security helmets, and bones shattered. Blood erupted to spray across the floor and all four sec-guards collapsed. My air elemental released a torrent of lightning that flashed through the drones, scorching the shattered flooring and sending the sleek machines crashing down trailing smoke.
The sec-guards' helmets fell apart as they hit the ground. I paused to take in the bruising around their cybernetic eyes. Each of them sported implants that didn't look remotely natural, a flat metallic blue in color that filled the eye socket. The eyes gave them a decidedly alien appearance. I turned and ran toward the crowd that was surging back toward the exit. "Rose, what's going on?"
"People in armor are shooting at the crowd, I am hiding Aria from their eyes and we are working to get out through the barrier, but it is formidable." Rose's voice felt hot in my mind. There was a mixture of anger and fear coloring her thought-voice. As I got closer I heard the staccato of gunfire over the screams of the crowd. People were panicking to get out.
"Rose, I'm coming but don't wait for me." I wove an invisibility spell around myself and sent out the mental call to my air elemental. The elemental lifted me into the air and I flew out over the crowd. More than thirty sec-guards were firing gel rounds into the crowd and forcing people from the entrance. Large, heavy looking security doors were sliding shut while an earth elemental was busily bashing its way through the plexi-doors beyond. Fractures were evident across the façade, but the sec-guards didn't seem to be worrying about the elemental or the failing barrier. They were focusing on the people trying to get out.
"What the hell?" I said. On the levels above the entry, people screamed and cursed as sec-guards, supported by drones moved through the crowds gunning people down with gel rounds. There were easily a hundred guards on the upper levels, and I could see dozens of sleek roto-drones. I turned and saw the heavy doors we're moments from locking everyone in.
I was distracted and didn't see the attack coming. A spell fell over me, trying to invade my mind. It was weak, and I shrugged it off, but it surprised the hell out of me. I spun, looking for the source, my astral sight opening to reveal heady currents of fear polluting the local mana fields. People were panicking, and the astral plane was suffering for it. I spotted a magician, her aura spotted with cyberware, her magical power tattered and scorched away. Her magic was weak, and her aura strangely devoid of emotion. She sent another spell at me, but I batted it away easily.
I didn't have time to worry with one weird magician trying to shoot me down. So, I reached out to the astral once more. My water elemental engulfed her a tic later. She didn't seem to notice.
I flew down toward the closing doors. With my astral sight open I could see Rose. Aria was wrapped in an invisibility spell and hiding behind Rose, who stood in her full angelic form sending spells into the plexi barrier with frightening ease.
"It is good you are here. We will be crushed if we cannot get through." Rose looked at me, never ceasing her barrage of spells against the plexi barrier. "You are hurt."
"We're getting out here!" I yelled. I called out into astral space and felt my spirits respond. The water elemental, a fire elemental, and another air elemental manifested near me. The water elemental and air elemental assaulted the plexi even as the security doors slid to within three meters of either side of us. I called upon the fire elemental and felt it's power added to mine.
Powerball is damn hard on a magician. I put everything I had into that casting, all my magical power, everything the spirit could lend me, all the desperation I felt went into that spell. It slammed into the plexi that was being battered by three potent elemental spirits and by Rose's barrage of spells. A two-meter section of the plexi exploded outward into the southern causeway.
Rose grabbed Aria and flashed through the opening, shimmered in mid-stride and leaped into the air. The earth elemental vanished, returning to its native metaplane, while the air and water elemental slipped back into astral space awaiting my next order. I flew through the opening, the screams of the people behind me reaching a crescendo only to be muted as the security doors slammed shut behind me. I heard a peculiar buzzing sound as the doors sealed behind me.
The air spirit carrying me aloft responded to my will and lifted me over the grounds around the arcology. Sleek roto-drones were firing on people who were running from the arcology pyramid. On the ramp to the Alaskan Way viaduct I saw a Lone Star patrol vehicle stop. The officers within got out of their vehicle only to immediately come under fire from a handful of drones. The officer on the passenger side collapsed in a puddle of his own blood, while the other officer dove back into his vehicle. I caught a glimpse of a rocket flashing across the landscaped grounds, then the patrol vehicle exploded in a fireball that flipped the wreck ten meters into the air.
People were dying all around the arcology. I saw weapon emplacements open on the pyramid, grenades, rockets, and machineguns fired down into those people who had made it outside. Above King street a Lone Star yellow jacket helicopter exploded. Its wreckage rained down in flames. I heard screams during the breaks in the thunderous roar of gunfire and explosions. It may have lasted for two or three minutes as I floated above the causeway, frantically holding my invisibility spell to me.
Then the weapons stopped. I heard moaning, crying, and screams below me. Then more of the sleek little roto-drones floated out, skimming the carefully manicured grounds, and began firing on the survivors. There were dozens of the little death machines below me.
I flew away, heading home as fast as my spirit would carry me.
I landed in my back yard, my feet sinking in what I assumed to be snow. I saw a drop of blood land a few inches above the ground and realized I was bleeding. I walked to my back door and checked the security panel. The system was armed, which was a relief. I keyed my way in and stepped into the house. Rose appeared before me. "You took longer than I expected. You are hurt."
"Sorry to worry you, Rose. Is Aria okay?" I asked.
"She is terribly worried. She has been angry and cried a few times." Rose hung her head. "She said I should not have left you." Rose stood there, looking for all the world like a small elf girl, blonde hair hanging to her shoulders.
I put my hand on her head and felt the tremendous power of the spirit. "Rose, you've got nothing to be ashamed of. I'm proud of you baby-girl. You did exactly what I needed you to do."
"Aria is in the bathroom. The babies make her urinate again." Rose lifted her head. "You are hurt, we should see to it."
"In a minute. I want her to know I'm okay." I said. I walked down the hall and into the bedroom. I could hear Aria crying in the bathroom though the light was off. "Aria, honey I'm home. It's okay." The bathroom door was open, so I stepped in and palmed the light switch.
The lights came on at my touch. I had left a smear of blood on the wall switch. Aria was sitting on the toilet, tears on her face and her hands shaking. "Tommy!" she screamed when she saw me. She jumped from the toilet and was reaching for me when I caught sight of myself in the mirror. I had blood down my right forearm and my shirt was soaked in blood. A hole had appeared through my shirt at some point, and I was bleeding. My face was paler than normal.
"It's okay baby." I said. Then I fell on my ass.
"Rose!" Aria screamed as she leaned over me. "Damnit, don't you die on me, Tommy!"
"I'm okay, Aria. Just tired." I must have closed my eyes for a moment because they opened, and I saw Rose, her hands holding my head in her lap. Aria was yelling at me.
"NO! Don't you dare die on me!" Aria yelled it over and over again. Her face was red and blotchy. She had tears in her eyes and blood on her cheek.
"I've done what I can Aria," Rose said. "The injury is severe."
I watched as Aria lifted my hand and frantically hit the button on my DocWagon band. It was dark, nothing was happening. "Mothafraggin' piece of drek!" Aria screamed. She grabbed at hers, hitting it frantically. It was dark too. I lay there, feeling cold and oddly calm as Aria tried her phone then mine. All our tech was dead.
"It's okay baby." I told her. "I'm fine."
"You are so NOT fine! Tommy Gun, you shut up!" Aria screamed at me. "Rose! Go to the Brick Yard, tell my mom what happened. You go Rose, go baby-girl, and don't let anyone stop you."
Rose looked down at me and I thought I saw a tear in her eye.
"Better listen to her, Rose." I said. Then things went dark.
December 24th, 2059
The first thing I noticed was that I smelled bad. The next thing I noticed was that I hurt everywhere.
"He is awake." Rose's voice sounded far away.
I heard feet hitting the floor and Aria's voice. "Tommy?"
"Hey honey." I said. "What did I miss?"
"Tommy Gun don't you EVER scare me like that again!" Aria hugged me fiercely and it really hurt.
"Ouch!" I yelp. "Sorry baby, I didn't mean to. What happened?"
"You were shot," a voice I didn't recognize said. I opened my eyes and saw the doctor Sheila X had sent me to a few times standing in my bedroom. There were machines next to my bed, and an IV in my arm. The doctor stepped up next to me. "Easy, miss. He's going to hurt for a while. Do you know who you are?"
I thought about it and said, "Yes, I know who I am. I know who Aria is. I recognize you as well."
"Good start," he said. "the bullet that hit you released a toxin into your body. Some sort of anti-coagulant. You're lucky you didn't bleed to death."
"I don't feel lucky," I said. "How bad?"
"Mostly your problem was blood loss," he responded. "Looks like you had the injury mostly healed by magic, but you lost enough blood that you were in serious danger for a while. You've been unconscious for a few days."
I was shocked by that. "I've been down for a few days?" I looked to Aria. "Are you okay?"
"We're fine." Aria responded. "We made it out. That's the important thing."
"What happened? Have they said what went wrong?" I asked. "I thought at first it was just me, but all Hell broke loose."
"You need to relax," the doctor interjected. "I don't care what happened or what you think you need to know. You NEED to rest. You're going to spend your holiday and a few days thereafter in this bed. I've got a nurse coming to keep an eye on you. I'm spending the holiday with my kids and I'm not missing that, even for a paying customer." He turned to Aria. "Nothing exciting for him. No stress. He stays in bed. I'll remove the catheter and he can use a bedpan until we get him up and moving around.
"Look!" I started.
"Nope. Bad patient," the doctor interrupted. He hit a button on the machine connected to my IV. Everything slowed down very suddenly. "Get some sleep and keep calm." he smiled down at me.
"Shush baby," Aria said. My eyes started to close. I could smell the vanilla and honeysuckle as I drifted back to sleep.
Aria, Rose, and the nurse were there when I woke up on Christmas day.
We didn't have a trid unit in the bed room, and Aria wouldn't bring it in for me to watch the news feeds. I didn't know anything about what had happened at the Renraku Arcology while I recovered. She did bring some books I asked for, and Rose kept her from getting into any of the toxic substances in the lab while she was down there retrieving them.
I spent the rest of 2059 in bed. Rose tended to Aria while I couldn't, with occasional help from the nurse.
I had earned a nasty scar during our escape and I have no memory of being shot. I have no idea when it happened.
Sheila X covered my medical costs. I told her that wasn't necessary and she bluntly told me to shut up. "You made sure she got out and you're going to be my son-in-law." she said. "So take this as the gift it is, get well soon, and don't start arguing with me just because you're marrying my daughter. I know where you live, you know."
I decided it was best not to argue
I'm not proud of that night. I froze there at the end, floating in the sky, while below me people were gunned down by ruthless machines. I don't know if I could have made any difference. My mind tells me I would have just gotten myself killed trying to help, while my heart and soul ache for not making the effort.
I saw families gunned down that night. Their only crime was to shop late in the season. Some nights I have nightmares about it, and Rose wakes me up to scold me for being hard on myself. I suppose it's something I'll eventually come to terms with. I don't think anyone will ever know why it happened though. Whatever the reason may be, I made it a point from that day forward to not buy anything made or sold by Renraku. I know missing my biz doesn't hurt them, but it makes me feel better. I don't want to put my money in their hands. There is too much blood on them.
From the author:
Thank you for reading my fan fiction! I hope you enjoyed this story. If you did, please do share it with others.
Your comments are most welcome.
I also design, write, and publish role-playing game materials for other rpgs (not Shadowrun).
Currently I'm working on finishing and fulfilling my Kickstarter rewards for Tarot Adventures, Book Two: Comet over Echo Rock, a rpg adventure module for the 5th edition game mechanic.
I will soon be launching a new Kickstarter campaign for an rpg sourcebook titled "The Steel Road". "The Steel Road" details weapons from around the world, having fifty different weapons and an enchanted "legendary" version described as well. Packed with more than one hundred illustrations by Zack Viola, this book will be made available in both 5th edition rule set. The art for this book is being done in a sketchbook style in keeping with the narrative throughout. The book is narrated from the point of view of a fictitious caravan merchant. I hope you'll check it out and support that project when it goes to KickStarter.
You can learn more about that project on my blog "My New Adventure" using the button at the top of this page.
Some example art from "The Steel Road"
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All art by: Zack Viola |
{Note: All art in The Steel Road is copyright(c) 2017 and 2018 by Zachary Viola and is used with permission and under contract. Reproduction without authorization is prohibited. In other words, all rights are reserved.}
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